How to find Bailey Mill

Directions and maps on how to reach Bailey Mill

Bailey Mill, located in rural Cumbria is straightforward to find using our directions and the map above. The map can be printed off to help you when you are nearing your holiday stay at Bailey Mill.

Travelling from Scotland

Travelling south on the M74, exit at Junction 22 and take directions for Longtown on the A6071. Turn right at the A7 for Longtown town centre and after crossing the bridge take the first left signposted for Catlowdy. Follow the main road to the Bridge Inn and turn right onto the B6318. At the second crossroads at Sleetbeck turn left signposted Bailey and one and a half miles on your right is the turn for Bailey Mill.

Travelling North from England

Turn off the M6 at Junction 44 and follow the A7 to Longtown. In the town centre take the third right turn signposted for Catlowdy. Follow the main road to the Bridge Inn and turn right onto the B6318. At the second crossroads at Sleetbeck turn left signposted Bailey and one and a half miles on your right is the turn for Bailey Mill.

Travelling from the North East

Five miles after Haltwhistle on the A69 take the right turn for Greenhead on the B6318. Follow the B6318 through West Hall, Kirkcambeck and Roadhead. Three miles after Roadhead turn right at the Sleetbeck crossroads signposted Bailey and one and a half miles on your right is the turn for Bailey Mill.

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